Babies are fascinated with mirrors! When he or she looks in the mirror, your baby is starting to develop some form of self-awareness. Responses can be many & varied - smiling & cooing, babbling, waving, patting, or eating the mirror! All of these reactions help him or her to learn more about the body.l
There are so many neat things you can do with your baby & a mirror! Put a mirror in front of your baby when they have tummy time, make silly faces, play peek-a-boo, use baby sign, make silly noises...Endless possibilities.
I'd love to hear your ideas about mirror play with your baby!
If Issac is being a bit clingy or grizzly when I need to get dressed, I'll take him into the bedroom with me, pop him on the bed and he can see himself in the dresser mirror. He loves chatting and laughing at himself and keeps on looking over to me as if to say "Look Mum! I can see myself!" and "That's one spunky baby over there...". It keeps him occupied for ages and sometimes he doesn't want to leave the bedroom!