Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1,2,3, Waltz with Me!

The lovely Shanks family, showing us their wonderful waltz moves ;) We miss having Bonnie (the young lady in orange!) with us each week - she's an honorary member of our Village class who's recently started at Kindy. She's helping Mum (Jacquie) and her little brother, Jake, enjoy some quality dancing time :) They're doing a great job of showing us what Kindermusik is all about - sharing music with our families. 

That's what makes Kindermusik so special - it's not just a once a week experience, the amazing At Home Materials mean you can take music wherever you go - listening (and singing along!) to the cds in the car, reading the stories before bed at night, having some quiet time together and KINDERMUSIK singing a soft lullaby :) 

Lately we've been enjoying a lot of dancing in our house - the Do-Si-Do cd certainly makes you want to jump up and dance!! Whatever your child's stage (lap baby, crawler, wriggler, walker, runner!), there's a way to incorporate movement & dance into your day. Dancing with your baby in your arms, or having them dancing alongside you, is so much fun, and has so many other benefits! 

Movement and sensory awareness are a big way that our littlies learn about themselves and the world - they internalise movement before making connections to the language which describes it (for example, they know what up and down feel like well before they know the words!). As they grow older, they'll do the action and say the word at the same time, then eventually the language will take over (but the movement is still there on the inside!). Pretty interesting stuff!! 

Make sure you click on the follow button and keep an eye on the blog - I'll be back tomorrow with some more wonderful ways to share music with your family! And be sure to collect the mysterious words hiding in my posts for the competition ;) Today's one isn't too tricky, I think you'll find it without too much difficulty! 

I'd love to hear about how you incorporate movement and dance into your day - please leave me a comment!

Have a musical day :)


  1. OOoh, I missed this post until today when I was looking at the latest post! I will show Bonnie her pic later on ;o)

    As for movements that we incorporate... A silly one that I do with Bonnie is when I want her to come with me somewhere in the house I'll say, 'Walk this way with me' and then walk funny (like swaying my butt or bopping!) - it kind of started as a joke but now we do it quite often ;o)

  2. Just seeing someone wearing a Moby makes me like them.

  3. That one is a Close Baby Carrier... Very much like a Moby but no wrapping skills required - just throw on like a T-Shirt! They're great ;o)
