Life has a rhythm & a pulse...everything we do each day has a beat & a rhythm! Babies experience this before they are even born, the contant pulse of Mum's heartbeat, the beat & rhythm of her movements. When we walk, run, dance, clap,jump,skip; all of these things have a beat.
Some things we wouldn't even think of are linked into rhythm & beat - cutting with scissors and bouncing a ball for example.
The same beat/pulse & rhythm is present in speech too! A wonderful way of sharing this with your baby is through nursery rhymes & poems. Clap the beat, tap the beat gently on your baby's body, move to the beat as you say the rhyme, bounce baby on your knee! Familiarise your baby with the rhythms of language in the way he or she will love the most - by listening to your voice.
Explore both beat & rhythm in your day - as well as moving with the beat when you say a poem, try clapping the rhythm (the syllables of the words in the poem). Play the rhythm on a drum (or a saucepan!), find different ways to bring beat & rhythm to life for your baby.
Share your beat & rhythm explorations here - we would really love to hear from you!
Have a wonderful musical week :)
Kath & Jarvis
Yet again I can think of a similar thing in my life Kathleen! When Issac was in my tummy, I would tap out the beat to songs when I was listening to music (which was quite a lot since I was in Sales and on the road most of the day!). When we listen to music or I sing to him now, I tap the beat out, it's one of the things that helps him go to sleep :)
ReplyDeleteI so wish you were nearby!! You guys are awesome!
ReplyDeleteShaun and I have been marvelling at birdsong at dusk, and listening to the rustle of the leaves in a mature macadamia nut tree.
ReplyDeleteShaun then set about beating his maraca to the “tink” of the plates and the “ping” of the pots as I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. It’s amazing where you can find rhythms and music!