Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello! Today's class was so much fun - seeing our babies having such a wonderful time exploring the instruments definitely put a smile on my face.

So many different timbres (the distinctive quality of sounds!) were floating around the room - the jingling of bells, the boom of the big drums, the pitter patter sound of the wave drum, the 'chh chh chh' of the egg shakers...all different, all providing another musical experience for our children! 

We spoke about how exploring & experiencing different timbres can benefit our littlest friends, giving them the opportunity to develop a sensitivity to sound and a listening vocabulary of timbres. This helps to attune their ears to the different sounds & timbres in music and speech! 

What wonderful sounds can you find around your house? Rachael & Kobe have been making music by dropping pegs into a can, Jarvis loves the sound of the chicken food dropping between his fingers onto the deck (we don't love that one quite as much!), what's your favourite? :)

We're gearing up for next term - come & join us for some dancing in Kindermusik Village : 
Do-Si-Do! Classes begin May 3rd, places are limited - visit our website  or email us
to find out more. 

1 comment:

  1. We had lots of fun! We'll do some exploring for sounds around the house tomorrow :o) I wonder what new trick Jake will have learnt this week that Michael will notice...
